The following changes to maps 1 and 2 should be noted. These have already been brought on to the digital versions, but the printed versions can't be changed until we reprint, so if you have these keep an eye on this page and as things change, or errors come to light, we'll note them here.

1. Monk's Cowl: The altitude is incorrectly listed as 3069m; should be 3239 metres. The same applies to the Profile Sketches

2. The path from Eagle Gorge that traverses down the left bank of the Mhlwazini was removed at the last minute before the maps were printed; it has been replaced.

3. The very excellent pool near Eagle Gorge has been added.

4. The altitude of the Outer Horn has been adjusted to its true height: 3005m

5. The path up Cathedral Peak itself was not clearly separated from the Bell Traverse path; this has been clarified

6. The Tryme Hill path has been corrected, with the zigzags

7. Twins Cave: the facing has been corrected, from west to north

8. Stable Cave: accommodation adjusted from 10 to 12

9. Fangs Cave: accommodation adjusted from 4 to 8

10. Didima Gorge area: there have been some 'tweaks' to several paths in the area, for greater accuracy

11. "Cave 3" in the Grindstone Caves area has been removed as it has rock art

12. The Fangs approach path has been corrected with new information

13. Several paths in the Injesuthi area that were removed from the first edition have been replaced thanks to new info received from Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife

More changes may be added in due course: watch this space.

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